Thursday, August 25, 2016

Shake-Down-Camp-Out at Saltery Bay

We've really been looking forward to trying out our new little Combi-Camp trailer whose name is Mighty Mouse. We tow it with our 2013 Nissan Leaf. 
We decided not to go far from home, first trip, so Saltery Bay was the perfect choice, only 19km to the campground. We are so lucky in Powell River to have so many great places to camp. 
We're just arriving (after the rigorous 19km haha !)

And .... Ta da ! Only minutes later we're all set up.

No campfires allowed at the moment, so we brought along our propane "campfire" and we got an electric cooler which works great and that we could plug in if there were hookups. 
It's pretty rustic here, so not this weekend !

But beautiful ...
At sundown, with Fleur barking at the buoy that marks the sunken mermaid statue for scuba divers, not sure why she does it, but she always does.

And again in the morning .... And still barking

Another shot.

We left quite early in the morning in time to let the sheep out ! 

It was a very easy trip to make for the Leaf. No range anxiety at all. Towing the trailer took 18% of the capacity as compared to 15% without. Simon installed LEDs instead of the stock lights on the trailer, hope that will cut down on energy use. We're really looking forward to going further afield next time.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Another in the That, ..... to This series ... Experimenting with Red Perilla

Before and after,
 the plant, Red Perilla that I grew from seed this year. I had no idea if it would give colour but the name intrigued me so I thought I would try it.

I grow it in my "purple bed" which looks like this. 
Also have Purple Basil and Burgundy Amaranth in there.


I wasn't very scientific I'm afraid. I cut a generous portion of the Perilla tops and heated them in a pan with some rainwater. I was trying for some pigment to paint with and got a good purple stock. 

I took some and boiled it down to get a more intense colour. That didn't work very well as I think too much heat changed the colour. This was what it looked like. (The large patch in the middle).

I put some alum mordanted wool into the remainder and got this blueish, purples colour. That was a bit of a surprise ! Not sure yet how lightfast or colourfast it is but it was fun to try it out !