It might take them a while but they'll do their best to get through it !Here they are taking a break, before the next munching shift.
We wanted to wean the lambs a couple of days before they went to their new homes. After a WHOLE DAY of bleating, the lambs woke up the next morning and appeared to have forgotten all about their Mums. They seem pretty much OK here don't they ?

So finally, after the vaccination booster shots, foot trimming, deworming, ear tagging, paperwork recording the lambs were ready to go.
Here are the dynamic duo, Rolo and Opal, ready for the trip to Shambala Farm.
Simon and I loaded the lambs into the truck and got the first ferry over to Vancouver Island. Here they are at the ferry terminal. It's very nice, you get preferential treatment if you are carrying livestock, so "Thank You" to BC Ferries for that. Here are Smartie and Wurly in the line up.And another shot of them all. They were very calm and well behaved on the journey and managed to keep people entertained in the ferry line up.
So everyone is settled in their "pastures new", which incidentally I looked up and means this,
"if someone goes to pastures new, they leave their job or home in order to go to a new one."
So it's very quiet at Periwinkle Farm these days. We managed to manhandle the rams down the road and the flock seem quite content in their luscious pasture and don't miss us at all !
The rabbits are going to have to step up on the entertainment factor.