Friday, January 28, 2011

Way to Go Humbug !

A lovely surprise in the barn yesterday morning.

Humbug has a gorgeous daughter. I must admit it took us completely by surprise. We weren't expecting lambs until April. So much for our careful breeding plan and flushing schedule ! Over the 5 years of lambing I have learned not to be too surprised as anything can, (and does) happen.

Needless to say Simon spent the day getting the jug ready, sorting out heatlamps and hay. Not that this little girl needs the heat lamp, she is strong and healthy and it is warm out at the moment but we want to be ready in case any other lambs arrive. The camera is up now in the other part of the barn where the ewes sleep so we can keep an eye on them without the trek out to the barn. The lambing kit is ready,
                                                             and hopefully now, so are we !

Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Bring It ON !

We were very glad to say goodbye to 2010 for several reasons. Simon being so very sick was a lowpoint in the year but thankfully he is making a fantastic recovery after a scary few weeks.  Losing Jack was  particularly sad, (I wrote about that here) and in November we said goodbye to Tika, our 15 year old siberian husky.

It's taken us a while to get into the swing of 2011 but we're here NOW.

While I have been absent in Blogland, I haven't been completely idle so here's a couple of pics of stuff I made recently.
This is Calorimetry, a free pattern. It was fun and quick to make. I made from a skein of handspun wool.

I enjoy wearing it. It's kind of like a headscarf  and stays on really well because of the clever design. Keeps the ears warm without being too hot ! 

This is another little headscarf I made for our god daughter, Clara.
Pink, as usual is a bit of a theme.

It was from this Drops pattern. Another free one I found on Ravelry
Thousands of people have made both of these. I love looking on the project pages to see other people's versions.

As well as promising myself to BLOG MORE, I also want to do lots of weaving in 2011.
This was in preparation for some tea towels I have on the loom at the moment.

I'm onto the second one. It's a basic waffle weave on my 4 shaft Leclerc. I plan on  doing them all in different colours to use up odd balls of cotton I have in my stash.

More coming SOON !