Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rainbow Bunny

I have been remiss in blogging lately. My excuse is that I've been busy moving stuff around the house and setting up my studio room. (How cool is that ! I'll post some pictures when it's looking presentable).

Easter came and went but to celebrate I thought I'd try some dyeing with Easter egg dyes. As well as the angora fibre I wanted to dye, (Saffy) I rounded up a few little odd bobbins I had spun on my drop spindle.
I wound them up on my trusty skein winder.
I also found some llama and grey romney that looked like it wanted be colourful.
Here is what they all looked like after I added the dyes, wrapped them in plastic film and "nuked" them in the microwave. Not that appetizing ! As well as the easter egg dyes, (which were a bit disappointing really, big on packaging, small on actual colour sachets), I used food colouring.

But here is what it looked like when I unwrapped those plastic parcels and rinsed it all.

And the angora.And the skeins. At least they are all one colour now !

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

April Fools ?

Unfortunately not, but this is what we woke up to today.

I know people in most of Canada will be having a chuckle, but you know us wimpy Westcoasters, a bit of snow, (especially in April) is news around here.

The sheep were mighty surprised when they went out.

Still, they got some extra hay in the dry so they were happy. Here are Cashew, Pompom, Lily and Snowdrop chowing down.

Tika, of course is always happy to see snow. Anytime of year.

Also, for the record, the first hummingbird of the year arrived yesterday.

Today I bet he's wishing he stayed a little longer in the warm. He came to the feeder today though, despite the snow and the wind. Intrepid little guy isn't he ?