Some more ferns I passed.
I come to a fork and turn right.

A bracket fungus on the side of a tree.
And a caterpillar on one of the ferns.
I'm not sure what animal would have made these prints, a deer perhaps ?

Some more ferns I passed.
I come to a fork and turn right.
A bracket fungus on the side of a tree.
And a caterpillar on one of the ferns.
I'm not sure what animal would have made these prints, a deer perhaps ?
Here's Dandelion, just up from the ordeal ! Lovely and clean.
Kirby, our Babydoll Romney wether was determined to finish his mouthful of hay. He seemed to enjoy being sheared.And look at this handsome fellow, Womble our Babydoll ram.
I skirted the fleeces and packed them away in used paper grain bags until I get time to wash them all.
What a great day !
And here they are up at Leona's. Lilly and Rose are enroute to Nova's up in Fort St John but will stay with Leona for a few weeks. They seem quite content don't they ?
The day before the lambs left though, we had a bit of a shock as Cashew gave birth to a little ram.
Here he is. His name is Willow.
Here are Cashew and Willow on his first day out of the barn.
Kind of odd that she lambed three months after everybody else, but there you are !
The day after the lambs left, Simon flew out for a couple of weeks in the UK visiting the family.
We miss them all !