From Wikipedia.
"Epiphany (holiday) January 6, the Christian feast commemorating the revelation of Jesus to humanity, specifically the visit of the Magi (see The Holy Bible, The Gospel According to Matthew, Chapter 2, verses 1-12) "
"Epiphany (feeling) a realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something or someone. An inspired understanding arising from connecting with profound insight, awareness, or enlightened truth."
I'm talking about the second one, but is it a coincidence it happened today.......?
I was having trouble keeping that wispy angora together enough to spin on the drop spindle. Then I read an interesting article in the latest Spin Off talking about the different names and types of fibre prep.....and there they were, punis !
Cotton and fine fibre are best prepared by rolling the fibre around a puni stick as it comes off the hand card then rolling on a flat surface.
I tried it with this result.

Sure enough, the angora is way easier to spin like this. The fibre clings together much better.
Here's what else I did today.
Washed some black llama to blend with angora hopefully.
Here it is in all it's glory, veggie matter,guard hairs and all !

And this afternoon I went over to my friends', Val and Chuck and we dyed some cotton fabric. I decided to "wing it" on my pots so it will be a surprise when I rinse them out. In the meantime this is what they look like sitting with the dye setting solution for a few hours.

AND I finished a scarf made from some hand dyed merino I got from Katrina.
Wow, am I productive or what ?!!
Cool punis :-) I have some angora that I have been hoarding so this is good information. Are you going to post pictures of the scarf you made from the merino? I am dying of curiosity!
I'll post pics of it soon. Having said I finished it I decided to put an edging on the bottom of it. It shouldn't take too long though !
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