Here are a couple of pics of things that got made this week.
This is a skein of yarn that I spun and plyed from the fleece that was in the dyebath last post.
I put pictures of it in the making on flickr.
And then I made this batch of laundry soap. This may sound really boring but for some reason I find this gratifying. The ingredients are very simple and this big batch cost so little to make. It will last us quite a while ! Mine turned out more solid than the batch made by PeaceLovinMoma who made a great movie tutorial. It can be seen here.
I think mine was more solid because I used Lye soap that I found at the $ store, 2 for a buck. I tried the home made laundry soap with clothes in the washing machine and it works really well. The real test will be when I wash fleece with it, which is why I made it to begin with as I dislike what happens to my hands after having them immersed in harsh detergent laden soapy water.

As you can see it's pretty solid but it dissolves in the wash no problem. I'm planning on making fabric rinse next.
And I can't post without including at least one lamb pic...
So here's two.
Here I managed to catch them all together.

How on earth does she get up there? So funny. I wonder what her Mom thinks of it?
The sheep seem very patient with their offsprings' demands, including being used as a climbing frame.
Just thought I'd pop by and say Hi-- your little lambs are so cute. It must be so satisfying for you working on such a lovely farm
Lisa x
Thanks for dropping by periwinkle. Did you find us because we are periwinkle farm ?
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