Saturday, May 10, 2008

Field Trip

Last week we had a nice afternoon out in the motorhome. We didn't camp overnight, (difficult at the moment with small critters at home), but we still have a great time on our day trips.

This week we went to Gibsons Beach, just north of Powell River.
Here's a glimpse into the forest trail.

Here are the picnickers, as you can see, it's pretty relaxing.

I wandered around and found lots of wild flowers and plants. Here are some of the ones I photograhed. Here is a colourful salmonberry bush.These are some sweet little bluebells.These are the flowers of Miner's Lettuce.(Claytonia perfoliata). Pretty, and the leaves are edible. This one is Red Elderberry (Sambucus racemosa ssp. pubens) The flowers of elderberry can be used to make elderfower cordial, champagne or wine.I know what the last two plants are, thanks to my knowledgeable friend and plant lover, Rod Innes. He takes amazing photographs of plants, some of which can be seen here. Thanks Rod and Deb !

I even found a sleepy snake who slithered off into the creek. I just caught this shot of him.

And here are some wild spindles.... oh no, they would be mine !
I also managed to squeeze in some spinning. Black llama and angora on the top spindle, angora on the bottom.
What a great day !

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