Saturday, February 21, 2009

Spring Snowdrops

Here are some little snowdrop flowers peeking out in the garden.

And here is our other Snowdrop, Pompom's lamb that was born on Monday.

She had a tough and arduous journey into the world. Our poor little Pompom struggled bravely but Simon had to be "Vitinry" and help her out. Snowdrop was stuck and it took quite a while to extricate her. I was scared for all 3 of them but eventually she was out, weak, with fluid in her lungs but a strong heartbeat. This one is a fighter. She is also a VERY good sized lamb. She weighed more when she was born than Rose at 3 days old !

So after a few days recovery they are out and about in the meadow.

Here she is enjoying the sunshine.

I thought I'd show you this colourful marmalade I made while I was home today. I made it with organic oranges, lemons and grapefruits from Sunshine Organics.

It's been nice to be around today to keep an eye on the sheep. I've been keeping a particular eye on Humbug who is looking very uncomfortable and keeping apart from the others.

Hmmmm, will she be next I wonder ? Stay tuned for the latest Periwinkle News !!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Such sweet lambkins!