Friday, January 1, 2010

First Post of 2010

Let's hope I keep it up !

Anyway, hope your New Year/New Decade will be everything you want it to be !

For the first day of the new decade we went out to Saltery Bay.

It's so pretty.

It was breezy and warm today.

Not quite a polar bear swim but Tika got her feet wet.

We went on  a small detour and drove down to the powerhouse at Stillwater. It's a pretty art deco building, built in 1930.  Could do with a coat of paint but quite charming just the same.

I was out looking for lichens today to do some dyeing. I found some but I'll post pictures another time once I figure out what I picked up and whether they are good varieties to dye with.

So that's it for now.

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