Monday, December 5, 2011

We LOVE upcycling and reusing at Periwinkle

I thought I'd show you a couple of upcycled projects.

First up is the little table in my weaving room.
 I was tired of not being able to see my handspun skeins
 so I came up with this.
A small discarded fishtank
A piece of aluminum framed window
A printer's drawer I picked up at a 2nd hand store.
Voila !

 And here we have the recycled towel rail that I spotted on the back of a camper van at the wrecking yard.
                         It hangs perfectly on the shower door.Almost like it was made for the job !

      Even the cat participates in the recycling around here.
She resides in this reusable paper bag.
 (Thank you Quality Foods !)

1 comment: said...

Oh my word Fran your weaving is A.M.A.Z.I.N.G!!!!!
Im loving your up-cycling too ♥
Turning old stuff into new has to be one of my favorite things to do:))))))
Best wishes