Despite the fact that we have been particularly busy lately, we managed to sneak in an overnight camping trip last Friday.
We went up to Okeover, a provincial park. Here's a link, in case you want to have a look.
Here are The Buns. Depsite being the smallest members of our family, somehow they require the most stuff to bring. I think they are just contemplating what to say on their holiday postcards... oh no, they are eating the local Okeover bushes instead.

Here is Tika, doing what she does best. She's had years of practice.

Of course the spinning wheel had to come too ! (As yet I don't have a name for her, my other wheel generally goes by "the contraption") . Anyhow, she's very pretty, and spins like a dream.This is the wheel that our friend Dave found and bought for me at a garage sale in North Van. for $10. Amazing !
Here's a pic of what I did while we were there. I spun up the light singles and plied it with the reddish/pinky yarn for a 2 ply. The light one has some angora and llama mixed with some soft romney, so the whole thing is very soft.

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