Monday, July 21, 2008

The Other Flock

I just thought I'd show you this picture of our smaller, quieter flock of sheep. As you can see it's a fair sized flock. Truth be known there are actually a few more larger sheep around the house in many guises, ............plates, cups, teapot, mugs, stuffed ones and several pairs of pyjamas, to name a few. Next thing we'll be overflowing with rabbits too, I just know it's only a matter of time.
I took this picture of our cute bobbing bird the first day we got the camera. Isn't he sweet ? He sits on his perch and the breeze moves the sail at the back which in turn makes his head bob ! I bought him from my friend Jackie in Coombs, who sells other birds like him on behalf of the Stephen Lewis Foundation. You can read about what they do here,
So, from bobbing to bobbins,
I've been doing a bit of spinning. Thought I'd just show you these two.

We had a Periwinkle jaunt out to Saltery Bay this afternoon, so here are a couple of shots.
We found this smaller, secluded beach and spent a pleasant time down here.
That's it for today, I'm off to wash MORE fleece !

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