Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Boat Trip To Haywire Bay, Remembrance Day

It was such a beautiful afternoon we made the most of it and took the boat up to Powell Lake.

We launched it at Mowatt Bay and didn't go too far, just over to Haywire Bay.

We stopped at this beach and went for a little hike. I even found some Cortinarius mushrooms, good for colour so YAY !

I think even Fleur had a good time although I have to admit it was a ewe bit chilly !! 

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Weaving .... With Rags, Sticks and Cedar Strips

I recently finished some weaving.

I made a couple of placemats with the turquoise rags, then decided to use some sticks to make a couple of mats.

Here they are, off the loom.

I must say this is my favourite. I used some beautiful cedar, given to me by my friend Ivan, (to test for colour with mushroom dyes, but I couldn't resist !)

And last pic. The obligitary-cat-sitting-on-finished-weaving-shot !