Friday, March 6, 2009


Things have been so busy around here in the house-of-drywall-dust that I haven't been able to concentrate on any crafting lately.
All I could come up with is this one very small shoe.

I know a few girls having babies at the moment so hopefully I will be able to summon up the willpower to actually complete it's mate and they will end up on a pair of small feet.

Tomorrow though, (despite the weather forecast for snow), our fine arts group are undertaking a natural dyeing workshop. We are guiding ourselves using this book. I am really looking forward to it. On Tuesday we all got together and mordanted all the skeins. Tonight I just have to soak my 12 and get together some other supplies. The cards are for putting small pieces of everybody's skeins which should all be different colours.

I'm also posting a picture of Mr Cinnamon Buns. His story can be found here, (if you haven't seen it already). Isn't he cute !

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