Monday, January 24, 2011

2011 Bring It ON !

We were very glad to say goodbye to 2010 for several reasons. Simon being so very sick was a lowpoint in the year but thankfully he is making a fantastic recovery after a scary few weeks.  Losing Jack was  particularly sad, (I wrote about that here) and in November we said goodbye to Tika, our 15 year old siberian husky.

It's taken us a while to get into the swing of 2011 but we're here NOW.

While I have been absent in Blogland, I haven't been completely idle so here's a couple of pics of stuff I made recently.
This is Calorimetry, a free pattern. It was fun and quick to make. I made from a skein of handspun wool.

I enjoy wearing it. It's kind of like a headscarf  and stays on really well because of the clever design. Keeps the ears warm without being too hot ! 

This is another little headscarf I made for our god daughter, Clara.
Pink, as usual is a bit of a theme.

It was from this Drops pattern. Another free one I found on Ravelry
Thousands of people have made both of these. I love looking on the project pages to see other people's versions.

As well as promising myself to BLOG MORE, I also want to do lots of weaving in 2011.
This was in preparation for some tea towels I have on the loom at the moment.

I'm onto the second one. It's a basic waffle weave on my 4 shaft Leclerc. I plan on  doing them all in different colours to use up odd balls of cotton I have in my stash.

More coming SOON !

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